People are scared! Everywhere you turn the bad news keeps coming in. Recently the jobs report came in at 10% unemployment and over 100K people lost their jobs in 2 days. Whoa! that's enough to make your hair stand on end! Are you wondering is your pink slip next?
If you have finally figured out that job security is an 'oxymoron', and you have watched your 401K turn into a $1k and discovered your blood pressure and your home value is about the same, chances are you maybe scared to death and ready to jump out of the nearest window.
Before you take the plunge think about one valuable asset you may have forgotten. Think about it, there is someone you can always count on to get you out of any financial disaster. Someone who can never be fired and that has the capability to build a huge portfolio that can never go down. It's YOU! Yes, you heard me right, "You" are the best asset you can have. Your ability, your brain power, your creativity and imagination.
According to Donny Deustch of the "Big Idea", now is the best time to rely upon you. Let's face it, you can't rely upon anyone else. Not your boss, your company, your government. It's time for you to invest in "YOU".
I know what you are thinking " ARE YOU CRAZY IN THIS ECONOMY?" Stop yelling at me and just listen for just a minute. Even during the "Great Depression" there were millionaires created because they understood that the best time to create and innovate was during bad times.
This will be the most innovative, creative, robust time in a generation. We have to learn to do more with less. So why not put your thinking cap on and figure out what you want to offer. Everyone has great ideas, often times million dollars ideas, even you.
Listen to Donny Deustch of the "Big Idea" and hear what he has to say about it.
Ok, feel better now? Maybe you are still a little skeptical and think no way can you, just an ordinary Joe or Jane can do this.. is that's what's going through your mind? I see you still need some convincing. Take a look at this lady. Donny Deustch highlights her in his new book.
Come away from the window, sit down at your desk, take out pen and pad and start sketching out your "Big ideas". I know they are in there. Just let it flow. Don't second guess or judge just allow your creative juices to go for it. You have nothing to lose. I know you can do it!
Get on your mark, GO!
Need some help with your ideas? Would you like to have someone to bounce some suggestions back and forth in a positive, supportive way? Looking for a way to share your thoughts with confidence? We are here to help work with you to get your ideas out of your head and into the marketplace. Just contact us at sbntvlive@gmail.com for a FREE 30 minute brainstorm session. Our consultants and strategists will help guide you toward your "Big Idea".