What if you could help feed America's children in need?
What if you could do all this without it costing you a dime?
Would you consider that's a pretty good deal? I thought so.
That's why I teamed up with Upromise and the Feed the Children
What's this all about? I'm glad you asked. Let me tell you about it.
I am a marketing consultant and one of my clients is Upromise. Upromise allows you to save toward college for anyone you designate just by doing what you
already do, shop. When you buy groceries, go out to eat, buy gas, go to your local drug store,
a percentage of your receipts is placed in a College Savings account. Join Upromise for FREE and let hundreds of America’s leading companies help you save for college
Heat or Eat? America's parents are facing a tough choice. Help families avoid the dilemma of heating their homes or feeding their children.
Helping Hungry Children and Families in the United States
Feed The Children believes that no child should go to bed hungry in this blessed and plentiful country. There are many ways that we try to feed those in desperate need right here in America.
You are helping us make an important difference in the lives of families for whom hunger and need are daily realities.
What do these two have to do with each other? Nothing, except I've decided to combine these two powerful organizations to make a huge difference. When you enroll in Upromise and register your grocery store, credit/debit card or pharmacy card, you will begin building college savings, I will donate $2 to Feed the Children The idea is for a lot of people to do a little, to make a big difference in the lives of millions.
My goal is to feed 2,000 families during the month of March..Isn't that awesome!, So let me recap:
You enroll in Upromise for FREE, register your grocery store, pharmacy or credit/debit card to begin your college savings when you shop for everyday items.
- I will donate $2 to Feed the Children to feed hungry children in the United States
- You will receive special savings and bonuses for items you buy everyday while saving for college
- and we will all help in eliminating hunger in America for so many needy families
It can't get any better than that. Imagine, never can so little do so much for so many. And you didn't have to spend a dime, nothing, nada, zilch!
Why not get started now. The deadline is March 31st for this promotion. So do it now while you're thinking about it.
Join me as we help make a difference in the lives of many struggling families in America to provide higher education and put food on the table.
Gail Turner Brown
Small Business Network TV
P.S. Remember it costs you NOTHING when you join Upromise and begin saving for college for anyone, and I will donate $2 to Feed the Children