Friday, August 22, 2008

Things You Don't Need to Launch Your Business

New Slideshow - The Things You Don't Need To Launch Your Business

By Mike Michalowicz
Author, The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur

Starting your first business requires a lot. Products to sell, employees to work, knowledge to

Mike Michalowicz

be imparted... the list is endless. At first pass, it looks like you are going to need more experience, more time and more money than you could ever afford. Better pass up on launching your business. Squash those dreams! Trample those desires! Vanquish your vision! At least until someone miraculously hands you a wad of cash and a ton of talent. And you and I both know that ain’t going to happen. No way. No how.

But if you look hard enough, there are often short cuts that don’t require money or tremendous effort. Not to mention experience is overrated. Cash, knowledge and time are limited commodities. Instead, there are paths that are less traveled in the entrepreneurial world that will yield HUGE progress. Here are the top ten things you DON'T need when launching your first business!

Click here to see the slideshow!

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