What if you could turn your everyday spending in to college savings?
What if you could help build a home for some of the most impoverished children around the world?
What if you could do all this without it costing you a dime?
Would you consider that a pretty good deal? I thought so.
That's why I teamed up with Upromise and the Caring House Project Foundation
What's this all about, I'm glad you asked. Let me tell you about it.
I am a marketing consultant and one of my clients is Upromise is it? Upromise allows you to save toward college for anyone you designate just by doing what you
already do, shop. When you buy groceries, go out to eat, buy gas, go to your local drug store,
a percentage of your receipts is placed in a College Savings account. Join Upromise for FREE and let hundreds of America’s leading companies help you save for college Not bad, huh?
Ok, so what is Caring House Project? I knew you'd ask that.
Frank McKinney is a Real Estate "artist";
super hero meets Robin Hood, 2-time international best-selling author (with 3 more books by 2.13.09);
risk taker & visionary who sees opportunities & creates markets where none existed before.
He is considered the Maverick real estate developer who is famous for building the most luxurious, most
expensive homes in southern Florida. In 1998 he developed the Caring House Project
to provide homes and villages for the poorest people, in the poorest locations, in the poorest cities in the
Western Hemisphere.
What do these two have to do with each other? Nothing, except I've decided to combine these two powerful
entities to make a huge difference. When you enroll in Upromise to begin building college savings, I will donate
$2 toward the Caring House Project Foundation. The idea is for a lot of people to make a big difference in the lives of millions.
Isn't that awesome!, So let me recap:
You enroll in Upromise for FREE and begin your college savings when you shop
- I will donate $2 toward Caring House Project unveiling on February 13
- You receive great satisfaction in knowing you are saving toward college for your loved ones
- and helping to build homes for some of the world's poorest children and families
It can't get any better than that. Imagine, never can so little do so much for so many. And you didn't have to spend a dime, nothing, nada, zilch!
Why not get started now. The deadline is November 30th for this promotion. So do it now while you're thinking about it.
Join me in these worthwhile projects of higher education and building homes for some of the world's poorest citizens.
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