One of my favorite shows about business is the BigIdea with Donny Deutsch on CNBC. It is great! I could literally watch it all day. It has the best information and inspiration for the small business owner I have ever seen.
Well, last night Donny had on as one of his guest a Dr John Elliot who says, if you want to get ahead, stop being so nice and be an S.O.B.!
Controversial? maybe. But check out his blog and then decide. You may be surprised at
what the real characteristics of the super successful.
Dr. John Eliot's Blog - Being an SOB
Do you want to be #1, the very top of your field? Then you have to have an edge. You have to be ABNORMAL. Nobody has ever changed the world by fitting in, following the established rule, or worrying about pissing someone off. Read More
Well, last night Donny had on as one of his guest a Dr John Elliot who says, if you want to get ahead, stop being so nice and be an S.O.B.!
Controversial? maybe. But check out his blog and then decide. You may be surprised at
what the real characteristics of the super successful.
Dr. John Eliot's Blog - Being an SOB
Speaking of S.O.B., guess who's going to be on the Big Idea tonight?
That's right the biggest, most successful one of them all The Donald. No matter what you might think of the Donald, we all agree, he knows how to achieve massive success and we can learn something.
So check it out tonight at The Big Idea with Donny Deustch 10p/1p et.
What's your favorite show, website or story about business or wealth building?
Do you have articles you'd like us to share?
Send an email to and I'll post it on an upcoming blog.
Until next time,
Gail Turner Brown
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